Covid-19 Requirements


Clients will…

As of January 2023 — there is no need to follow the protocol below.

  • wear a mask for the entire appointment.

  • text Heidi at (802) 222-6050 upon arrival and wait in your car until you receive a confirmation text that it is okay to enter.

  • use hand sanitizer provided on table upon entering.

  • wear clean socks specific for the appointment.

  • re-schedule if you or anyone in your home, or close contacts, have had had any of the following symptoms in the past 14 days: fever, cough, fatigue, body aches (not chronic), loss of smell or taste.

Heidi will:

  • wear a clean mask will each day and wash hands frequently, and always between clients.

  • use Force of Nature, a non-toxic, non smelling disinfectant between each client appointment to wipe down all surfaces including chairs, hand railing and inside and outside door latches and of course treatment room. .

  • change all sheets between each client visit.