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Restorative Therapies

Green Mountain Restorative Therapies, located in Hartland Four Corners, Vermont offers Biomagnetics and Breath-Body-Mind,™ two powerful healing approaches for restoring the body back to health - naturally.

Biomagnetic treatments help clients find relief from chronic illness, whether its symptoms of Lyme Disease, co-infections, or first stage auto-immune diseases. Using a comprehensive and intake process that honors your body's innate wisdom and my expertise as a holistic and intuitive practitioner, we create a collaborative treatment protocol that is uniquely designed just for you.

Breath-Body-Mind™ offers a breathing technique that helps the body reach all levels of the brain including the: autonomic regulatory circuits, emotional regulatory centers, and the frontal lobes. When this happens the body convinces the mind that it is safe to turn down the stress response system and it relaxes. And healing begins.


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For more information about Biomagnetic Therapy, visit Integrative Wellness for further details about this healing method.

Session Fees:

please visit the Appointments tab.