Heidi Luquer

During the spring of 1994, nearly 1 million people were killed in the country of Rwanda in what is considered today to be amongst the worst human genocides in modern history. Through her post-genocide work in Rwanda treating women survivors with deep trauma symptoms, Heidi Luquer was drawn to the power of non-invasive healing therapies. A program officer for Global Grassroots from 2013 to 2019, Heidi taught BREATH-BODY-MIND™ , a stress reducing breathing technique aimed at lowering the lingering impacts of trauma in humans. Working with survivors in Rwanda and Uganda, she witnessed first hand how a simple, scientifically-supported, non-invasive technique could help recalibrate the human autonomic nervous system so minds and bodies could heal and lives could be restored.

Helping African women re-establish their emotional and physical health was exhilarating for Heidi and she became interested in deploying similar restorative therapies to help people in her beloved state of Vermont. As she wound down her work in Africa, Heidi met Biomagnetics practitioner, Joan Randall, and quickly made the connection between Joan’s work with people suffering from Lyme Disease (and other debilitating “mystery” illnesses), and her own work in Africa. Heidi recognized that the two modalities, Biomagnetics and Breath-Body-Mind, shared the same simple underlying philosophy that drives her conviction to her work: a well-balanced human body has immense capacity for self-healing.

A humanitarian at heart, Heidi is inspired by her vision for thriving communities that can only result from strong mental and physical human health. Heidi has a Masters Degree in International Management from American Graduate School of International Management (Thunderbird), and a Bachelors Degree from the University of Vermont. Her therapeutic certifications include: Breath-Body-Mind, Certification Level 3, and Lyme Magnetic Protocol Practitioner, Level 4 (the highest level.)