Biomagnetic Treatment
Find relief from symptoms of Lyme Disease, co-infections & first stage auto-immune diseases - naturally.
Biomagnetic treatment targets Lyme disease and many other pathogen-driven diseases that cause a wide variety of suffering – from chronic fatigue, to aching and tingling joints, to persistent itching, to headaches and more. The treatment uses the polarity and energy of magnet pairs which neutralize disease-causing pathogens that have collected in different parts of the body. The body flushes away pathogen remnants and its natural immunity kicks in to restore vitality and health.
How the Treatment Works
A 3-Step Process:
Using kinesiology (muscle testing), the practitioner scans the body for information on the presence, type and location of pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungus and parasites) as well as toxins.
Pairs of positive and negative magnets are placed on specific places of the body where pathogens are found.
The client relaxes on the massage table for 10 to 30 minutes while the magnets work to neutralize and release pathogen and begin the process of relieving symptoms.
How Many Treatments Do I Need?
Every human body is unique and this treatment honors your individuality and specific health needs. Through muscle testing, the body communicates its capacity for healing, which pathogens should be treated, and the frequency of treatments. The number of treatments needed can range from a single session to lasting a few months, a year, or longer. Each treatment brings the body closer to restored health.
Here are just a few of the many pathogens that can be neutralized by Biomagnetic therapy:
There are many hundreds of bacteria and viruses, fungi and parasites. Some of the more common include:
Anaplasma, Babesia, Bartonella, Borrelia Burgdorferi, Candida, Ehrlichia, Epstein Barr Virus, Giardia, Heartland Virus, herpetic viruses, Jamestown Canyon Virus, Norwalk Virus, Mycoplasma, Strep, H Pylori, Rickettsia, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, SFTS, Toxoplasmosis, West Nile, and many more.
Client testimonials reveal that magnets are effective in alleviating symptoms from:
Anxiety, balance issues, brain fog, candida overgrowth, chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), depression, diabetes, Epstein-Barr, eye floaters, Fibromyalgia, headaches, inflammation, insomnia, joint pain, Lupus, migraines, muscle pain, neuropathy, mood swings, hormone imbalances, poor circulation, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, tinnitus, vertigo — to name just a few.
TINY! Look carefully.